Thursday, October 11, 2007

Patrick in the Wilderness

If my information is true, Prime Minister (for now) Patrick Manning, at his San Fernando political meeting, promised his supporters that like Moses, he will lead his people out of Israel and into the promised land. I think that as an aspiring pastor, he should spend a little more time researching the tool of his trade-to-be, namely the Bible, especially since he loves to quote from it. Seeing as he is greatly misinformed, however, I will take this opportunity to enlighten him.

  • At the time period Patrick was referring to, there was no nation called Israel. Israel was the name of a people who were enslaved in Egypt and had no land to call their own.
  • Moses led the people out of Egypt, hence Pharaoh chasing them with chariots and the Red Sea parting etc etc.
  • Moses never did get to the promised land, mainly because God gave him instructions to do a certain thing but he wanted to do things his own way. God told Moses that just because he wanted to do things his own way and not listen, he would never see the promised land.
  • Moses died in the wilderness without entering the promised land. Joshua was the person that led Israel into the promised land, because he listened to the voice of God unlike Moses.
Mr Manning, don't you always say the voice of the people is the voice of God? Maybe come November 6th we may see a Joshua arising. Take care that you might have to start on your career as a theologian a bit earlier than you planned. In light of that, you might want to start reading the Bible, or at least listen to the voice of God.

P.S. I understand the UNC people need folks with Photoshop skills so check my work above and give me a call sometime ok?


Anonymous said...

Great photoshoppin'

Mannin is right about one thing, the bulk of his supporters are still in the wilderness. The PNM has a vested interest in keeping them there I suppose

Caroline de Bountiful1 said...

But boy I din know you know de Bible so good. Please, please send this as a letter to the editor quick before I do! I am humoured to the bone!!

I will be manning your site for more insight into the head(less-ness) of the Emperor gone mad.

PS: You should Photoshop this Emperor in his "clothes" like the original one who went mad.

Unknown said...

Politicians and their speeches, they never end!

Oswyn said...

Oh gosh Dirk, boy,lol. I thought this man wanted to be a Pastor?