Monday, March 19, 2007

My New Hobby

I've decided to put my penchant for being grumpy and anal to good use. My new hobby is calling companies when I see their company vehicles being driven by maniacs and reporting the driver. I am finding immense pleasure in doing this. My wife thinks I'm being wicked but I think I'm doing the company a favour. I mean a company vehicle advertises that company. I don't think any business wants to be known for being filled with uncouth, insane people. Well, the Government is, but they don't care anyway.

Think about all the money companies could save by avoiding accidents because the stupid driver would think twice before driving like a fool again. And trust me- a large number of company vehicles are being driven my maniacs. One time one of them came flying down the wrong side of the road and pulled in front of me, almost sideswiping my car. What pissed me off most about that is that he had the audacity to grin at me and salute, as if it was a major accomplishment. This man was driving a minivan full of people. But they seemed to think it was great driving too. Needless to say, his boss got to find out about his behavior, and Mr Boss sounded angry. Another one almost killed my brother and sister in law. He was driving way to fast and hit a car from the back, which in turn hit my family. His excuse...the other guy stopped too suddenly in front of him and he couldn't stop in time. The cops didn't buy that story. Not from the distance that the skid marks spanned. He was just an insane driver.

The success of my mini-mission depends, however, on whether the bosses actually care that their drivers are insane. But I mean right on the back of the vehicle is written "How am I driving? Call (XXX) XXXX, so clearly they should care. I just wish I had a video camera so I could record the stupidity and send it to the company. I'm just doing my part to help stop the madness.


Anonymous said...

relatively safe hobby.. that is of course unless the driver gets fired finds out about you and decides to dedicate the rest of their miserable life (due to your intervention) to finding you and i dunno.. paying you back.. sounds far fetched.. but they're are some pretty dark people in this world.

Anonymous said...

So if this dude loses his job from your phone calls and he is left to take care of three kids and a wife without a salary, how would you feel afterwards?

Dirk Dagger said...

Not as bad as if this dude killed someone with his stupid driving and left someone else's wife to take care of 3 kids. What you are implying is that it is better to leave him to go his merry way and hurt some innocent family down the road. Maybe he should be thinking about his own family and trying to get home safely to them. What about if he kills someone and is jailed for motor manslaughter. Who will take care of his wife and 3 kids?

People like this (such as the guy who put my sister in law in a neck brace for weeks) need to learn the meaning of responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Vengeance is for God not for you. If everyone take matters in their own hands when someone does them wrong then this will be a messed up world. It is not your fight, and what you are saying about what was done to your inlaws does not justify or right the wrong.

Dirk Dagger said...

But how am I doing something wrong when employers provide the number on the side of their vehicles for the very purpose of ensuring that their employees behave in a certain way? But I don't want us get into a long argument. Lets just agree to disagree. I'm actually flattered that you're reading my blog though. I hope this doesn't make you stop reading it.

Jumbie said...

It's never wrong to do the right thing. Look at that situation a few years ago where the truck driver went down St James Street in San Fernando, and killed/maimed over a dozen persons. That could have been avoided. I don't mind if he loses his job, a driver can get another, but to lose a life? Would you provide another, Anon?