Thursday, February 15, 2007

What's good for the goose......

So a magistrate has refused to grant a license for the promoters to host the annual after Carnival cool down fete on Manzanilla Beach this year. The reason she cited was that the event had become ungovernable, what with the robberies and the lewd behavior of a couple of young ladies last year. I have no problem with her refusing to grant the license. As a matter of fact I would support her, but I would also extend it further.

Let's refuse to grant licences to the promoters of all the fetes that take place in the Carnival season. Because as we know someone always gets robbed, stabbed or killed at these events. Don't even talk about the lewd behaviour that takes place. The scantiest of outfits appear at these parties and the behavior of the party goers borders on pornographic. Imagine a fete with names such as "Till Drunk Do Us Part"... Imagine all the drunk drivers trying to wend their way home after leaving that party. Didn't these promoters get a license? What about those parties where the stipulated dress code is sleepwear, and we're not talking about granny's flannel pyjamas here. Weren't those promoters granted licenses as well?

Going further, we all know that the height of debauchery in Trinidad and Tobago is Carnival time. I think some brave magistrate should block the Government from having Carnival, a festival of drunken revelry, wanton sex, violence and crime. What went on at Manzanilla last year pales in comparison to what goes on at Carnival every year. Apparently what the Government considers to be immoral throughout the year does not apply at Carnival time.

Let's face it, we live in a hypocritical society. But until there is equality for all, Ms Magistrate..please give the people their license.


Mad Bull said...

Sounds like you are a promoter of the event! :)

Dirk Dagger said...

Nah, I'm hot a promoter haha. In fact I don't even care for the event. I'm just against the hypocrisy.