Sunday, April 8, 2007

Beam Me Up. Scotty

This last week has been real pressure. I just realised that exams are around the corner and I have a ton of labs and projects to hand in. I also think I don't know half as much as I should, especially in the Digital Electronics class. Added to that, I have been having some strange dreams lately. Last night I dreamt that my house was on fire, then it turned out that my house was actually an island in South Africa. Then the whole island became part of Trinidad again. A couple of nights ago I dreamt that aliens were trying to abduct me and I had to hide all over Trinidad. This one has been a recurring dream since i was a kid. The strange thing about this time.. after the dream, I woke up with my glasses on. I NEVER go to sleep with my specs on so how did they get on my face? That freaked me out let me tell you. I still can't explain it. Maybe I sleepwalked and put them on. Or maybe it was more than a dream. I think I need to stop working so hard though. It's taking a toll on my mind it seems. I need to catch up tho.. Two weeks till exams and I still have 8 labs and 4 projects to hand in. This is going be a long week.

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Mad Bull said...

What you studying?

Dirk Dagger said...

Computer Engineering they say it is, but I ent see much computers yet nah. Only a lot of math which I hate. Basically I know my stuff but I can't get an IT job without the certification, so I'm in it just for the paper.

Anonymous said...

you're on medication, aren't you!