Sunday, April 1, 2007

God on the Line

Once again I've found something that annoys me, but I think this one is undoubtedly justified. At my church there are signs posted all over "Please switch off cellphones during service." Now the very fact that a church would actually need to post these signs is disturbing in itself, considering the whole issue of respect and so on. What's even more disturbing, though is the fact that people see these signs, sit next to them and still ignore them. This morning for example, during the prayer time at church, someone's phone decided to go off, and it was LOUD. (I think that the default Nokia ringtone is the most annoying ringtone ever invented.) The person to whom the phone belonged, apparently out of pure embarrassment, decided to disown the poor phone which kept ringing away, calling for its owner.

What I want to know is, though, why does someone not know that a churchgoing person is actually IN church on a Sunday morning? If they knew the person was in church I'm sure they would not call. So clearly whoever is calling said churchgoing person doesn't know that they actually go to church on Sunday. That's the most disturbing thing of all. I think maybe some folks might need a call from God himself.

1 comment:

Jumbie said...

Oh Lord, I agree about that Nokia ringtone. And I have to hear it everytime I go to the cinema. Dman near wore my teeth to nubs by now....