Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Puff, Puff, Pass De Money

Allyuh, dis is a true story eh. Ah not lyin. Ah did always wonder why it is a smoker go quicker give yuh a cigarette than give you ah dollar to buy de same cigarette. For example meh friend Sexy Girl. Sexy Girl always giving away cigarette to everybody who want. Like she living Mount D'Or, de amount of cigarette she does have. She does move like she own de tobacco company.
De odder day I try someting. I ask Sexy Girl for a dollar borrow. "Not at all," she tell meh. "I ent have no dollar to spare." So I try anodder angle. "Gimme a cigarette den," I ask she. "I woulda give yuh one, but yuh doh smoke," she tell meh. Eh heh. True.
I decide to get to the root of de mystery. I ask she why it is she quicker gimme a cigarette than gimme a dollar when is de same dollar for de cigarette. Hear she: " Well I not stupid, I could use de dollar to buy annoder cigarette!"
Talk done.

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Jumbie said...

A dollar for a giggy? Wow. I never smoked but my dad did. I used to pay 35c for a pack of DuMaurier for him... Yep, long years ago.

My sis convinced a co-worker to stop smoking for 1 year. He saved £3000. Went abroad for holidays, and bought a darn good motorbike too.

Jumbie said...

opps. that shoulda read 'ciggy'.